He nodded like he could read my mind. “You head up and I’ll just make sure you get in your place safely.”
It was the kind of cold crisp you only found in the dead of night. The stars had sharp edges that intensified against the deep night, but they had nothing on the way this man looked at me.
“Okay. I’ll head up.” I stepped backward a few times until I had to turn around. “Thanks again.”
He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Anytime.”
I clicked my tongue. A tall, tattooed guy offering to punch out an asshole anytime was a great way to head up a set of stairs.
Swishing my hips a little extra was overboard, but I did it anyway.
Bear was still by his truck when I peeked over the railing. He nodded, reassuring me that he didn’t take ensuring my safety lightly.
When I locked the door behind me, I was looking at my version of Bear on my wall. It needed work. I was missing his bravery, that flare in his eyes, and the way the veins in his forearms swam just under his tattoos.
I had to work on it again in the morning. Get it perfect.
8 days until FLICKER flames to LIFE! I'm so excited for you two meet these two firecrackers.
💖⚡FLICKER is a romantic comedy standalone.⚡💖
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